Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Catching Fire

I'm driving along a normal city road. I've been telling that owner for years that his house has terrible wiring, and that his wife and kids are playing with matches all the time. But he never saw it. It was so obvious to me, but he never saw it.  He saw the wiring, and the matches, but never he danger. This day, I'm driving by and the hiuse is in flames. I pull over wanting to run inside to save the family, but its too late. The flames are too high. The fire is too hot. The injuries too severe anyway. No foam or water can quench the flames. I stand back with tears running down my face, cursing that man for not just pulling out the wiring or watching his kids more closely. I stand by, helpless, knowing exactly how the fire started, and just waiting for the house to burn itself out.

Why waste the energy and make people angry, and give myself a reputation with no other outcome? Why am I even worrying about it? There's tracker jackers too.

Its the burning house. Its just going to get hotter. People are only going to wake up on their own time, and a lot if them are going to die in the process, but there's nothing I can do about it. I can see it burning, and I can see exactly how I will be burned.

This world is far too broken,  and we (yes, we) are far too uneducated and indoctrinated. But its hopeless until kingdom come. The house will burn to the ground, and hopefully, I'll be there having watched it burn, and be able to build a new house outside of the arena.

The noble thing to do would be to save the burning people. But honestly, their souls are more important. Their bodies are too far gone.

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